All that came before

Mountain Beltway is the new home for Callan Bentley’s geoblogging. NOVA Geoblog will soon be closed, but will be left untouched. Like a fossil, it will be static but present, an artifact from an earlier time. It is hoped that the thousand-plus posts accumulated there will continue to be useful to the Internet-surfing public.

0 thoughts on “All that came before”

  1. Will you be keeping NOVA Geoblog up for posterity and good photos, rock examples, etc – or will you have to import it to a page on this blog, or what? @rschott and I want to know.

    Very nice looking! Tags are easy to find (mine are way down the sidebar). I like the “callander” widget but can’t have one in blogger. Now all you need is a recent comments widget! 🙂


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