0 thoughts on “Live geoblogging: assessment”

  1. I’ve been enjoying them. I really enjoy if sometime when you have time (I know), you’d come back to them and put them in a larger context. Love the rocks, curious about the big picture.

  2. The field photos are great – keep them coming. What would make them more useful and educational is if you could geotag them in real time – either geotag the images themselves or post coordinates with them. The whole field trip theme would be enhanced greatly by a GPS/Google Maps/Earth tracklog.

  3. You’re in a bit of luck Ron! I couldn’t make the field trip this time around but acquired a copy of the GSA Field Trip Guide for the trip which included coordinates for each of the stops. Since I’m a bit of a geo-geek, I actually went ahead and tagged each location in Google Maps where it can be found at the following link (I hope this works):


    Many of the locations are roadcuts and are visible using the Google street view (but not all)…a sort of virtual field trip.

    As for the posting of live pictures, my vote is to keep ’em coming Callan!

    • That’s spectacular, Jim!

      I suppose the next logical thing would be to ask if there’s an online version of the whole field guide, but I suppose that’d be getting greedy. I’d really love to work with someone who’s putting together a field trip like this to assemble a full web-deliverable companion in advance of (or after) the trip runs, for the many folks who can’t go along when it’s offered. Nothing will replace the experience of being out there in the field able to use all of your senses, but one could do a lot with photography (GigaPans especially! 🙂 ), and even audio and video. Tie it all into Google Earth or another geobrowser and you’ve got something that could be a whole new virtual field trip genre.

      Anyone planning a field trip want to explore this? Contact me – rschott@outcrop.org

  4. Yes, more please. The virtual field trips are one of the things that I really like about your blog. Between working full time, going to school part time, and raising a teen, I don’t get to go on very many field trips. So, I learn vicariously through your, and other, blogs.

  5. I love the field photos, but I hope you’ll come back and discuss some of them in more depth. Especially if you add my favorite feature: annotations!

  6. For science’s sake, man, get yourself a ruler, yard stick, meter stick, tape measure, or SOMETHING decent to show the scale of your subjects.

    • There is a Swiss Army knife or my hand in each of these photos for sense of scale: that’s not “decent”? Amazing to hear your complaint; I find it quite demotivating. Get lost, whiner: go spend your time on some other live-geoblogged field trip.

    • Duly noted, all. Thanks for the feedback (except for Francis P., who has annoyed me); yes, I will return with a more detailed, contextual post with annotated photos and links when I get an easier platform to type on. The posts are short and sweet only because the iPhone isn’t that easy to type on.


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