Book review video: Climate change

Links, mostly to Amazon pages for the 6 books mentioned in the video:

Thin Ice by Mark Bowen

Ice, Mud, & Blood by Chris Turney

Turney’s Twitter stream from Antarctica

What’s the Worst that Could Happen? by Greg Craven

Link to the AGU10 blog post mentioned and to Greg Craven’s response.

The Carbon Age by Eric Roston

Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum by William Ruddiman

CO2 Rising by Tyler Volk

Link to an earlier review I wrote about CO2 Rising.

0 thoughts on “Book review video: Climate change”

  1. I like the quick reviews! I’ve read Thin Ice but not the others; I thought it was interesting, although I wondered whether someone not already interested in the topic would wade through the whole thing. Now I’ll have to check out some of those others! Thanks also for that link to the comments on that AGU10 session post; I was at that session but hadn’t seen some of the anti-AGU rhetoric that came out after it.

  2. My shelves hate you right now. They’re already cowering in terror at my wish list, and now it appears they shall be burdened with yet more books. Poor bastards.

    Not sure what to make of the Craven thing. Read the transcript he’s got posted. Does that reflect the reality at all?

    • Dana,
      Realities change. The speech is one aspect of my current reality, completely unfiltered for the first time (note the overly brief description of how that speech text came about).

      The book is EXACTLY the opposite reality, and is still useful, I think. My AGU speech was what it was in part because the approach in my book was the last hope I saw for changing the debate, and it has had zero impact in 2 years. So the AGU thing was my last desperate Hail Mary as a terrified father of two young daughters.

      I think you’d enjoy the book. The only negative feedback I’ve gotten is from hard-line skeptics (only one of which actually read the book–all other reviews on Amazon clearly are referring to my video). Got a couple great reviews–one in New Scientist, on in Audubon Magazine.


      • I concur about Greg’s book — I think it’s well worth anyone’s time to read. It’s a logical, rational approach to the climate change “debate.” I completely concur with its methods and its conclusions.


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