Friday fold: OSF migmatite

Migmatite schist sample from Orange Springs Farm, near Unionville, Virginia, with cm-demarcated pencil for scale. Sample was cut and polished. Here’s what the untreated sample looks like:


Happy Friday. Enjoy your weekend. I’m off to the Northeastern / North-Central joint section meeting of the Geological Society of America today. We’ll see if my time in Pittsburgh gives me enough time to blog or not…

0 thoughts on “Friday fold: OSF migmatite”

    • I’ll send you one. Shoot me your mailing address via email, and I’ll drop a few in the mail — I’ve got 100 of them, courtesy of Steve Gough, who writes Riparian Rap.

  1. Have a great time in Pittsburgh! I have a few classmates going to present a poster from the University of Southern Indiana!


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