0 thoughts on “Check out my bookshelf”

  1. 1) Is that a fulgurite behind and to the left of the mud-chip conglomerate pebble? Or is it something organic?

    2) Madam Pele’s gonna be mad at you! =:-o


    • Hi Howard!
      Which mud-chip conglomerate? Which shelf? Regardless, no fulgurites in my collection, but I’m curious as to what you were referring to.
      As for Pele, she’s welcome to strike me dead at any point to spite my geological acquisitiveness. But I suspect she won’t, on account of her being a fictional character and all.

      • Callan–

        Second shelf from the bottom (same shelf with Pele’s tears jar). Right at the front, in the middle there’s a rectangular hunk of fibrous mineral (gypsum? calcite?). Go to the left about 3 or 4 inches and there’s a slightly curved white, hollow tube that looks to be about 2 cm in diameter. What’s that?

        • Okay — gotcha.
          Yeah, I don’t know what that is. It was a gift from a former student, who gave it to me along with a C. megalodon tooth (which I was very psyched about). He thought it might be a burrow of some sort. It’s a tube, for sure… Beyond that, I can’t say.

  2. The hematite is oriented the wrong way. How am I supposed to show my husband its amusing shape when it’s oriented the wrong way?


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