Another weekend, another batch of macro bugs

This weekend, we went backpacking with our friends Seth and Anne, at Dolly Sods in West Virginia. As usual, I took pictures. Not so much of rocks this time, but there were lots of springtime buggies crawling about, and you know how I like to shoot macro photos of small critters… So here you go:

Mating dragonflies:

Grasshopper nymph (juvenile):

Moth (on my fingertip):

A very large ant hill:

Weevil (arm hair for scale):

A deerfly I swatted, with beautiful eyes:


An elegant ninja of an alderfly:

I love the bugs. Seeing them close-up through the digital camera brings me unaccountable happiness.

0 thoughts on “Another weekend, another batch of macro bugs”

  1. The image quality of these photographs is incredible, for such a small size of subject! Well done. Do you have a special fancy lens on your digital camera?

    • Nope — it’s just a regular little Canon Elph point-n-shoot; set to “macro” function (the little tulip-looking icon).


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