Geoblogs as a device for student engagement

Here’s the talk I gave at GSA last month:



It’s presented here at a slower pace than the actual talk was, since I didn’t have to run and catch a plane 45 minutes after presenting it, but there are some PowerPoint bugs with some of the animations. Oh well – recording it and putting it online is more than 99.9% of GSA presenters ever do to share their talks (I totally just made that number up), so you’ll have to be satisfied with it, as is. Any questions?

I challenge my peers who presented at GSA to record a video version of their talks to share online. It’s easy!

0 thoughts on “Geoblogs as a device for student engagement”

  1. Thank you for posting this, missed your talk at GSA while in another talk and this made up for it. I’ve been using video posts (well still early in the process) for about 9 months for my 8th grade students and placing them on my simple blog. Of course, after finding yours via twitter, it’s given me ideas on how to broaden mine….

  2. Thanks for posting this – I find the idea of posting a recording of conference presentations interesting. Of course, what would be ideal if sessions were recorded and posted by the hosting organisation.

    It’s certainly encouraging to see your students see your blog in such a positive light – a hearty tonic to the often more sceptical views of superiors and peers. Just to clarify – do you tell them about your blog specifically in lectures, generally or by referencing specific posts? Or do the discover it more organically via Blackboard/Facebook?

    • I mention it sometimes in lectures. But there is a link to it both from my NOVA website and from our Blackboard courseware home page.


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