Plane views

A few scenes out the left side of the airplane from when I flew from El Paso to Houston a week and a half ago…

Sand dune field overprinting desert vegetation and human roadways:

Outcrop pattern of horizontal strata (tracing out the contours of this hill), and the weird geometry of human road systems:

More contour-hugging outcrops of horizontal strata, and a vertical joint set:

Same thing:

Bajada (apron of sediment, made from multiple alluvial fans coalescing) on the flank of fault-block mountain range, playa (salt flat) in the foreground.

Annotated version:

Meandering river with cut-off loops (dried-out oxbow lakes):

I love sitting in a window seat on a clear day!

0 thoughts on “Plane views”

  1. The layers in the hill in your third photo look like they’ve got some dip to the right–maybe an unconformity going on between the top layers and those further down? Or maybe progressive inclination of layers further down the sequence? Either way, it looks like you’ve got a hill with dip streams on the right and anti-dip streams on the left. Very cool!

    • A sandblow, like from an earthquake? Not likely – this is much larger than those features usually are, and its shape is pretty much “classic” dune…


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