This is a plant?

Weird plant from South Africa, in the north-central portion of Table Mountain National Park: it’s just two leaves!

How bizarre is that? Two enormous leaves emerging from the leaf litter, nothing more.

In Namibia, Welwitschia also have just two leaves, but they are much longer (and more prone to getting tattered). I’d love to learn what this thing is – botanical experts, please chime in if you know.

0 thoughts on “This is a plant?”

  1. It could maybe be a large variety from the lithop family (stone plant). Does it bloom from the center? If it sheds its leaves to the side with new leaves in the center (usually in spring), it may be a lithop.

  2. Yes, it is a lily (in the family Amaryllidaceae, I think). Offhand I dont recall the genus and species but it would not ne hard to find. The leathery, highly reduced leaves are an adptation to drought in the winter-rainfall area.


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