New year’s atop Lion’s Head

My first view of Lion’s Head, the little butte northwest of Table Mountain, came through the fog on the morning that Evelyn and Jackie took Lily and I to Sea Point to see the migmatite:

A lofty pinnacle – made of the same flat-lying quartz sandstone as the mesa of Table Mountain to the southeast:

We went back to Lion’s Head on New Year’s Eve. After a delicious Thai dinner, we hiked up to the summit of Lion’s Head to ring in the new year in style. Here’s a portrait of my wife in front of the lights of Cape Town:

The Gauntletts had brought along some red sparkling wine for us to toast the turning of the year:

First photo of the happy Bentleys in the year 2012:

Thanks again to Evelyn and Jackie for showing us such a fun time when we were in South Africa over the winter break.

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