101 Geo-Sites You’ve Gotta See in Google Earth

Mountain Beltway reader “Earth Mama” responded to the recent geo-meme (which started here, folks!) by compiling all these visit-worthy locations in a single Google Earth KMZ file. If reading the lists from the various geobloggers didn’t whet your appetite, now you’ve got the ‘virtual globe’ option….

Hi Callan, I wanted to thank you for the geosites post–it’s obviously generated a lot of activity in the geoblogosphere, and it inspired me to put together a Google Earth kml of all the sites you listed (see attached).  …

Please feel free to browse the attached–many of the placemarks have links to more information, especially about those that are not so well-known (I used one of your posts for the Van Hize rock), and I’ve included panoramio photos for many. I was even able to placemark some of the roadcuts in street view, which is pretty cool. …  It might be a good companion for readers who buy the book.

Thanks again for the post–it’s been a wonderful learning experience.

Hope your new move is going well,
Earth Mama

So here’s the KMZ file:

Enjoy exploring these places via this new medium. Earth Mama has one more piece of advice:

Since I don’t have the book, not all the placemarks may correspond precisely to the locations that he describes.  However, I see it as a supplement, that might add to the information that he gives in his book.  I’ve included panoramio photos as well as links in each placemark to both geological and human interest information.  Also, turn on 3D- Buildings in the Layers tab, because people have made 3D models of some of the features. You’re welcome to modify anything as you see fit to make it more accurate and/or interesting.  Corrections and suggestions from your readers are also welcome.

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