One year

One year ago today, Lily and I had a fantastic wedding week in Montana. To celebrate the year we’ve been together since then, today I’ve got a gazillion photos to share – reliving the week for those who were there, and sharing it with those who weren’t able to make it…

Our first group hike: Spanish Peaks:

Cookout at Dave and Stacey’s place:

Our second group hike: Sacagawea Peak:

Norris Hot Springs:

The bachelor party: Rafting the Gallatin River:

The bachlorette party: Horse-riding in Yellowstone:

Dinner the night before the wedding at Ale Works:

The wedding set-up:

The ceremony:

The reception:

Brunch the morning after the wedding:

What great memories – an exceptional week in an exceptional life. Thanks, everyone who participated. I wish I could recount all the stories about why these people are so special to Lily and me, but this blog post is long enough as it is (84 photos!!!). You’ll have to just trust me that the place, the activities, and the people made for an unforgettable week that set Lily and I off on an amazing journey together.

Happy first anniversary, darlin’!

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