
Well, it’s been kind of quiet on the Mountain Beltway front this week – but I have a good excuse.

Early on Friday morning, my son Baxter was born. The little guy arrived weighing more than 9 pounds (4.125 kg), and measuring 21 inches from beak to tail.

He’s very sweet and wonderful. Lily and I are so happy to finally have him with us.

Lola the cat is still not quite sure what’s going on, however!

Anyhow, we’re not getting a whole lot of uninterrupted sleep, so my blogging will likely continue to be on the light side for the next little while – how long, I can’t rightly say. But you can rest assured I’m working on a more important project…

Hope everyone is well. Back to the rocks soon.

0 thoughts on “News”

  1. p.s. I recommend wrapping the swaddling tighter than you think you should. My experience was that the tighter I got it the more they liked it.

    p.p.s Please regular update photos – they can’t be too frequent.

    • Thanks for the tip.
      As for baby photos, I’ll probably limit what I post here. But I’ve got tons of them on Facebook – friend me there if you want the full gamut of Baxteriana!

  2. Congratulations to all of you! I’ve been checking here to see if there’s been an announcement. Baxter looks great, as do both of you.

    From that distressed look on Lola’s face, though, I’d keep an eye on her.

    I will say though that pictures 2 & 6 could benefit from a GSA scale.

  3. He’s Beautiful!!!!
    Lily looks great too!. It’s not easy delivering such a large baby. (I had two over 9lbs & know what’s like.) Make sure you give Lily lots of pampering – she needs it but probably won’t ask for it. And make sure she gets plenty of rest- she’ll recover a lot faster that way.
    Don’t forget to get some rest too – its easier said than done.
    Make sure you get a carrying pouch, it frees the hands and they love cuddling next to you, plus you can take him out to see some rock formations that way. Then when he’s older and can sit up well (abt 6 mo) get a backpack/frame type carrying device, they love being on the same eye level as you. I used that until they were about 3 years old. I got one with a pouch so that I could carry my geo stuff when hiking around places.
    I hope your family continues to do well.


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