Neoacadian Inner Piedmont trip, part I: the Walker Top

While I am feeling a wee bit hectic with catching up on a week’s worth of work that piled up while I was at GSA Charlotte, I want to showcase some of the neat rocks I saw on the pre-meeting field trip to the Neoacadian migmatitic core of the Inner Piedmont (led by Arthur Merschat of the USGS). Today, let’s take a look at the Walker Top Granite, a mylonitized granite that was easily the sexiest rock we saw on the trip.

Here are two blocks of the Walker Top included as building stones on exterior walls of the YMCA Camp Harrison dining hall:

And here are two GigaPans I shot at lunchtime at the YMCA Camp Harrison overlook area, where cobbles of Walker Top mingle with other local metamorphic rocks:

[gigapan id=”117778″] link

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Here’s the group of field trippers at this same overlook:

Click to enlarge and search for your friends and colleagues

And do you want to see the view from the overlook? Sure, I can accommodate that:

[gigapan id=”117774″] link

More to come in this series…

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