New GigaPans from the M.A.G.I.C. project

My students Chris Johnson and Robin Rohrback have been busy adding to the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection. Check out a few of these new GigaPan images:

[gigapan id=”117788″] link

[gigapan id=”117786″] link

[gigapan id=”117390″] link

[gigapan id=”117346″] link

[gigapan id=”116919″] link

0 thoughts on “New GigaPans from the M.A.G.I.C. project”

  1. Great photos for the MAGIC project. I hope your team is able to get some of the great outcrops/roadcuts in SW Virginia; although it seems like quite a logistical handful. Regardless, the results you have so far are very encouraging.


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