Friday fold: Bighorn monocline

Happy Friday! The last one of 2012, in fact! To celebrate, check out this monocline on the western flank of the Bighorn Range in the Rockies of Wyoming:

Click to enlarge

Annotated. Check out those fine hogbacks!

Previously, we also saw this same structure in this GigaPan:

[gigapan id=”80440″] link

0 thoughts on “Friday fold: Bighorn monocline”

  1. First time I saw that I was with my parents on a trip to Yellowstone. My father was something of an amateur geologist and pointed the folding and some faults out to me. The second time I was with the IU geology field camp caravan through Shell Canyon on our way to Yellowstone and Cardwell. The next year I mapped an area south of Cody and later on I worked on the hydrodynamics of entrapment in the Muddy SS of the Powder River Basin. That part of Wyoming has always been special to me.


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