Upturned Paleozoic strata on Highway 16, Bighorns, Wyoming

Here’s a terrific outcrop to start off the new year at Mountain Beltway. We’re back in the Bighorns of Wyoming here, on highway 16, traversing the southern portion of the range en route from Buffalo to South Pass City.

Click to enlarge

Annotated, expanded, and Easter-egg-embedded:

Click to enlarge

From a different perspective (uphill a tad, looking north), consider this GigaPan I shot at the time:

[gigapan id=”83585″] link

The best part is this central region, with its early Paleozoic (Cambrian-Ordovician) sequence of strata. Younging direction is to the right.

The Gros Ventre Formation has some lovely flat-pebble conglomerates:

The Hardin Sandstone bears some Skolithos (here, viewed end-on) in places:

This outcrop was the first stop on my Summer 2011 Wyoming Energy field trip, run by Sheridan College. I aim to get that whole trip (finally) blogged this month.

0 thoughts on “Upturned Paleozoic strata on Highway 16, Bighorns, Wyoming”

  1. If you are still in South Africa and pass Mossel Bay (Halfway between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth) do yourself a favour and look at some beautiful rock folds in cutouts in Louis Fourie road.
    1) Next to the slipway on the downhill side where Louis Fourie crosses below Marsh street.
    2) From here continue downhill in Louis Fourie to the first traffic lights that you get from “1” above. The folds are on the left.

    I “found” these and are very excited about them at age 50 with no knowledge of geology.

    I have some questions about some very strange rocks I have seen. I will appreciate it if you can bring me in contact with one of your students that may be willing to answer a few questions.


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