Callan describes what he does in #upgoerfive language

Okay, I’ll bite.

I work at making people understand more about the big rock that we live on. I use pictures and drawing on the pictures to show how the rocks have changed because of pushing on the rocks. This pushing happens because of blocks of rock that move together and sometimes push into other blocks. Other times, a rock block will move away from another rock block. Then the rocks will fault. I move around on the big rock a lot and see new rocks and take pictures of them, and then I put those pictures (and pictures with drawing on them) on a place where people can see them and learn. I also talk to students about rocks in a college, and wave my arms around a lot. I like to think about the big rock and how old it is.

From the #upgoerfive text editor.

0 thoughts on “Callan describes what he does in #upgoerfive language”

  1. Using less common meanings of certain words should also be abolished.

    “Other times, a rock block will move away from another rock block. Then the rocks will fault.”

    The meaning of fault in the list of 1000 words was certainly in the context “it’s his fault”. You should say something like: “Then the rocks will crack” or “Then the rocks will break into two pieces that stay close together”


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