Friday fold: Gansbaai

A small mountain inland of Gansbaai, South Africa (where one goes to cage-dive with great white sharks) shows some of the folding characteristic of the Cape Fold Belt. Let’s zoom in…

A few bedding traces annotated, to ease your armchair fold-viewing experience.

I think this is my final photo from South Africa… Wow. Only took me 1.05 years to get them all up on this blog. Next up: polishing off my summer 2011 roadtrip, my eastern California trip of last spring, the El Paso, Texas, trip from 11 months ago, and the Canadian Rockies trip from last summer. Sheesh – a backlog indeed.

Happy Friday!

0 thoughts on “Friday fold: Gansbaai”

  1. Maybe you need another day of the week with an ‘F’. 😉

    Did you get the chance to drive through Meiringspoort? If not, try get someone to send you photos. Amazing, amazing place. (I would offer, but that is literally on the other side of the country.)


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