Passage Creek in flood

Click to enlarge

That’s the scene in the Fort Valley today. Compare it to this image, from the morning after Hurricane Sandy, and you’ll see that we got a lot more rain yesterday than during that infamous storm last October:

You’ll also note that we are now cut off from the world. That bridge, and the flooded floodplain portion of the road, are the only ways to get a vehicle out of our neighborhood.

As near as I can tell, we got about 2.2 inches of rain yesterday and last night. It was torrential at times.

This is what the stream gauge on Passage Creek downstream at Buckton looks like while I’m writing this post:

Our connection to the outside world is under about 2.5 feet of water! … and it’s still rising.

Let’s go to the video. It’s crude and windy, but it’ll give you a sense of things here this morning:


0 thoughts on “Passage Creek in flood”

  1. Hey Callan – I haven’t had time to look at the precip data from the region, but up here in Western PA we had pretty significant amount of snow on the ground when the rains started contributing to our flooding problems. Down where you are was it purely a rain event or a rain-on-snow event?

    Hope the water retreats soon!

    • Hey Katie,
      It was 100% rain here, or maaaaayybe 99% rain and 1% residual snowmelt. But we’ve had 5 days of above-freezing temps, and noon Tuesday til noon yesterday were around 70 degrees F. So there would have been very little snow left, if any.


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