Friday fold: New Market / Lincolnshire formation contact, Staunton, Virginia

Happy Friday! Here’s a view of the folded contact between the (older, lower) New Market Formation, and the (younger, upper) Lincolnshire Formation, as exposed in Staunton, Virginia:

The contact has been folded, pretty intensely:

The New Market Formation is massive, light-colored, and exhibits fenestral texture here. The Lincolnshire is darker, more thinly-bedded, and is chock full of fossil invertebrates.

Explore it for yourself in this M.A.G.I.C. GigaPan:

[gigapan id=”128611″] link

A closer look at the folds is next…

And now, some close-ups showing the fossils in the Lincolnshire Formation:

Mostly bryozoans, as far as I can tell…

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