Friday fold: Kananaskis Trail, Alberta

I’ve been thinking about the Canadian Rockies this week, since I just settled on dates for next summer’s Regional Field Geology of the Canadian Rockies course.

In searching about for an appropriate Friday fold, it occurred to me that I could show you this one:


That’s a mountain peak on the Kananaskis Trail, a lovely road cutting through the mountain wilderness north of Waterton Lakes and south of Banff and the Trans-Canada Highway. It’s also the road where Mount Kidd is found.


If we zoom in to the mountain peak in the middle of that shot, we can see some awesome funkiness.


Allow me to add some annotations for you…


A gleaming sight, eh? I love how the snow chute follows the trace of the bedding plane. Can’t wait to show this directly to a new group of students next July.

Happy Friday!

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