
A long time ago, I posted here an image of an “owlprint” – the pattern of duff left on a pane of window glass when a screech owl smacked into it.

We’ve had a couple of new avian impacts lately out at Fort Bentley…

Here’s a clear mourning dove imprint on the upper level window glass (viewed from below, both inside and outside). No flash in either case…



And here’s an example of what may be a screech owl from the basement door… Or maybe another dove, with its head and wings at a different angle? Both shots outside, looking in, one without flash, one with:



0 thoughts on “Birdprints”

  1. Maybe so, and that’s great! The San Francisco Planning Department recently adopted standards for bird-safe buildings. Hopefully as more and more communities realize that practical solutions exist, our options will continue to expand. See

    There’s some new glass on the market that utilizes UV reflection technology so that birds can see the embedded pattern, but people can’t:

    More about what has and hasn’t worked:

    Thanks for being open to help find solutions!


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