The Road to Samarcand, by Patrick O’Brian

samarcandThe week before last, I finished a fun adventure novel, The Road to Samarcand. This is the first book I’ve read by Patrick O’Brian that’s not part of his epic (21 books!) Aubrey-Maturin series. I chose it because it was available as a (free) download from my public library, which meant I could “read” it while driving in the car back and forth from the Fort Valley to Annandale. I’m getting so many more books read now that I have this commute – definitely a silver lining to what is at first glance, a bit of a slog.

This book is a fun adventure that feels like a product of the 1950s, which it is. It’s a rollicking adventure in the style of Indiana Jones or Tintin, with one-off characters of diverse skills and personalities. The protagonist is a teenage boy, recently orphaned while his parents were serving as missionaries in Asia. He joins a seafaring American uncle, his Scottish partner, and an intellectual British cousin on a voyage into the heart of Central Asia. Chinese, Kazakhs, Mongols, and Tibetans all play important roles in the story as they go along. There are battles, subterfuge, archeological insights, linguistic dalliances, harsh weather, feats of endurance, and even an appearance by the Yeti. It’s totally fun. If you like Tintin’s adventures (HergĂ©), then you should dig this book. The kid even has a dog for a sidekick! And the British cousin, the academic archaeologist, is a dead ringer for Professor Calculus from the Tintin books. Hilarity ensues, in the classic Patrick O’Brian style. Recommended.

0 thoughts on “<i>The Road to Samarcand</i>, by Patrick O’Brian”

  1. Of course–got them all, minus one. We also like the BIggles series by Capt. W.E. Johns, and most books by Robb White–his story, “The Lion’s Paw,” is one of my most favorite books ever.

  2. Finished reading this to my boys and they really enjoyed it–thanks for the recommendation. I wish he’d written more books for kids.


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