Fossil clams at Devil’s Coulee, Alberta

At the eroded gully known as Devil’s Coulee in Alberta, you can find armored mudballs, dinosaur fossils (including eggshell), and even marine clams at higher levels in the sequence. Check out these lovely beasts:

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They lived and died on the western shore of the Western Interior Seaway during the Cretaceous period of geologic time. My Canadian Rockies field geology students visited this site in 2012. I’m taking students back again this coming summer, in July. Let me know if you’re interested in joining us!

0 thoughts on “Fossil clams at Devil’s Coulee, Alberta”

  1. Hi Professor,
    I am a Postdoc professionally and an ardent traveler. On my recent hike in the David Thompson valley I noticed some marine fossils like clams and other animals. I would love to join you on your expedition in July. Please give me the details of when you plan to be here. I am traveling Europe for a bit but if the days fit my schedule, I will be happy to join.

    • Hi there,
      Thanks for the offer – but we won’t be running the Canadian Rockies field course this year (2015). Sorry.


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