Off to Texas

LoloI just wanted to let readers know that posting will be light this week, as I’m down in Texas running my field exchange course with Joshua Villalobos of El Paso Community College. Joshua’s supplying 12 students, and so am I. Together with talented colleagues, we’re aiming to give these students, many of whom hail from traditionally-underrepresented groups within the geosciences, a world-class field experience that will take them from the Border to the Beltway. We have a week in West Texas and New Mexico this week, and then we are reuniting in May in Virginia to examine mid-Atlantic geology. The program is funded by a generous grant from the National Science Foundation as an experiment to see if we can recruit a more diverse suite of geoscientists by facilitating a top-notch field experience early in their educations.

Anyhow – I’ve got a Friday fold scheduled for the end of the week, but don’t expect anything before then. Bye!

0 thoughts on “Off to Texas”

  1. Best week I’ve had since my last trip with my own students before my retirement in 2010. Opportunities of this nature increase understanding exponentially and stiffen resolve in a way no classroom experience can even distantly approach. Driving on!


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