A decade of Lola the cat

Today is the 10-year-anniversary of the day I adopted Lola the cat. She’s been a faithful companion for a quarter of my life!

Here’s the day it happened, as recorded in my 2005 calendar:


Look at this historical document – Titanic opens; Malcolm Gladwell giving a talk; I was still doing woodcut block printing – and I was teaching structural geology at GMU then, too. Earlier in the same week, I had a note to check on application procedures for NOVA – applying for the job that I have now!

The little beastie herself:





Physically, she looks pretty much the same; a bit heavier, perhaps. Lola has slowed down in recent years – can’t jump as high, shows no interest in playing with cat toys, etc.

It’s the way of the world; I reckon – a symptom of passing time. Thanks for ten great years, Lolie!

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