Summer 2016 European GigaPan expedition: Sites wanted

Great news – I have been awarded a great professorship for the next two years. The Chancellor’s Commonwealth Professorship is a great honor and a major investment by the Virginia Community College System in me and my GigaPan project. I get course release time, a summer stipend, and reimbursable expenses of around $7500. I intend to use that money and that time to do a major GigaPan expedition in Europe next summer. But I’m a European newbie, so I could use the help of geoscientist colleagues who are more experienced than me. So: will you help me plan out where I should go and aim my robot camera?

I’ve initiated some planning, and got some major help via Twitter friends about a month ago. But now I’d like to kick my planning into high gear. Where should I GigaPan instructive sites in Europe?

Here is a “viewable only” copy of my planning map:

However, if you want to add sites to the map, I will gladly extend editing rights to you. Just shoot me an email and I’ll add you to the list of map authors.

Here are some other maps and resources I’ve found or been alerted to in the past couple months of researching… Some of the sites they depict will need to be transferred over to my map…

U.K. map of 100 great geo-sites

Scotland’s geological sites

Two maps for Spain

Geologic sites in the Pyrenees

Virtual tour of outcrops in the Pyrenees foreland basin and fold & thrust belt

Geological guide to Cap de Creus (easternmost point of Spain), an exemplary place to look at ductile shear zones

I’m eager to hear from you if you have sites to recommend. I want as precise location information as possible – hence the use of the Google Map as the means of information sharing. But you’re also welcome to just leave a comment here and I’ll attempt to figure it out from there.

0 thoughts on “Summer 2016 European GigaPan expedition: Sites wanted”

  1. Awesome idea. Let’s plan one around Australia next!

    Have you thought about visiting some or all of the ICOS sites in europe? ( Would be a good excuse to climb a lot of flux towers and take gigapans from the top. I can give you contact info for some folks involved in the project (with phenocams) if you don’t know where to start with getting access.



    • A great idea – but most of my imagery is more on the level of outcrops, and less landscape-scale. As for Australia, YES PLEASE!


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