New GIGAmacro images of rock samples

Another week, another batch of new images produced on my home-based Magnify2 imaging system from GIGAmacro.

Leptaena brachiopod in (Mississippian?) limestone from Montana:
[gigapan id=”185784″] Link

Here’s the flip side of the same sample, with a lot of fenestrate bryozoans to see:
[gigapan id=”185809″] Link

Fault breccia from the Corona Heights Fault of San Francisco:
[gigapan id=”185868″] Link

Amygdular metabasalt from the western Sierra Nevada of California:
[gigapan id=”185894″] Link

Araucaria mirabilis gymnosperm cone fossil, from the Cerro Cuadrado Petrified Forest site (Mid-Jurassic) of Argentina:
[gigapan id=”185938″] Link

Glacial striations on a pebble from the latest-Devonian Spechty Kopf diamictite, exposed on Corridor H in West Virginia:
[gigapan id=”185959″] Link

As always, enjoy exploring them for details.

0 thoughts on “New GIGAmacro images of rock samples”

  1. In the 1st two photos of the Mississippian Montana limestone, there’s a nice encrusting bryozoan (like Fistulipora) at the bottom of Photo No. 1. On the shot of the other side in the 2nd photo, besides the fenestrate bryozoans, there are some branching, Cystodictya-type bryozoan fronds, on the right side. Plus, on this side there might be an ostracode, perhaps trilobite debris (both sides), and a crinoid columnal. Sorry, but it’s been awhile since I got to play in a Mississippian “garden” again. Miss those critters, and their pals.


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