I hiked Table Mountain yesterday, south of Cape Town, via the notoriously steep Platteklip Gorge. I detoured a wee bit on the “contour trail” which heads toward Devil’s Peak to see some fine exposures of the Graafwater Formation. It’s mainly a red shale with some green shale, and some fine sandstone. This outcrop particularly caught my eye:
Those are pretty sweet “ball and pillow” structures. Here’s the most photogenic example:
“Ball & pillow” is a type of soft sediment deformation, when fresh sand is deposited atop soft, squishy mud. The density inversion triggers a load/sag phenomenon, and the sand pooches downward while the mud squooches up alongside, folding the sand into a shape much like an up-side-down mushroom cap.
Want to explore more? I shot a GigaPan there for your edification and amusement:
Link GigaPan by Callan Bentley
I also observed rippled sands (big wavy-topped pink unit in the photo below)…
…and trace fossils (look for the little white / light-green burrows cutting across the red shale in the close-up photo below:
And then there was this feature – at first I thought it was a mudcrack (which have been documented in the Graafwater), but then I noticed it had a spiral sort of shape in 3D, and there was a smaller 3D offshoot that pokes out to the right, about halfway up. So maybe it’s a trace fossil. Anyone want to chime in on their interpretation?
It’s just differential compression between the burrow and the mud–note the warped bedding adjacent to it.
–sorry, compaction
Sand injection, i.e. a small dike. Seems to be upward-injected.
Agreed, a sandstone dike intruded up, and compacted. Not a trac ve fossil