0 thoughts on “Friday fold: Two more from the Lewisian gneiss of Scotland”

    • There are many different varieties of migmatite. This book delineates them masterfully.
      There are injection migmatites and anatectic migmatites – two very different origins! In one, the melt comes from somewhere else, and in the other, it is locally derived through anatexis (partial melting).
      In general, what I would look for to spot an anatectic migmatite is segregation of pockets of felsic material (“leucosome”) from residue of mafic material (“melanosome”).

  1. Where were the Callanish Standing stone quarried?
    How did the earky inhabitants of Lewis Isand quarry and work the Lewisisan gneiss stones?
    Thank you

    • Hi there,
      I’m not sure. I haven’t been to the Callanish stones. This blog post isn’t about them, either.


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