Friday fold: Eagle Rock

This Friday, I’m resurrecting some photos I stumbled across in my digital archive from a field trip I took a decade ago. These images show Eagle Rock, a big, messed up outcrop in Botetourt County (Bot-uh-tot), Virginia (the Valley & Ridge province). The strata exposed here are late Ordovician to early Devonian, and mainly Silurian in their bulk. The James River exposed them when it cut a water gap through the ridge (now Crawford and Rathole Mountains on either side of the gap), and that was enhanced by road construction. The strata are both folded and faulted in a delightfully complicated way. Check it out:

…Zooming in for some close-up details:

There are some additional images of the sedimentology of the site at this blog post by Alton Dooley when he was at the Virginia Museum of Natural History. I should get back down there one of these days with my GigaPan rig and make a proper image of these structures…

Happy Friday!

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