Friday fold: a boulder from Spitsbergen

Today’s Friday fold comes to your eyeballs courtesy of my colleague Shelley Jaye, who took it in 1982:

She found this in a glacial moraine adjacent to Lovlibreen Glacier, on the north shore of St. Jonsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Very cool disharmonic folding.

Thanks for sharing, Shelley! Happy Friday to all.

0 thoughts on “Friday fold: a boulder from Spitsbergen”

  1. It’s a small world! I was at a presentation last night at the University of BC (Vancouver Campus) by Dr. Suzanne Lacasse of NGI. Her presentation was on risk, predominately related to natural hazards and she discussed, of all things, avalanche hazard in Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Well actually the town of Longyearbyen in Spitsbergen. Fascinating place! Now on my bucket list of places to see 🙂

  2. Hi Callan….ran into your bog about armored mud balls fron 2012. (I am also in the NAGT—2YC) AMBs have been a fun topic for me since finding them lithified in our local Jurassic formation along the Conn. River, Turners Falls MA. We have a Geo Path” at Greenfield Comm. College that displays these unique features. More info at Also, amazingly, I haverun into a n AMB a few feet from a nature trail at Guadelupe Nat Pk in W Texas…in a steam flood deposit.. I have an artist friend who photographed a bunch in a wash trail at Factory Butte, UT. I can send pictures if you wish. I am currently “stuck” in San Diego due to weather-travel issues. Be back in the office tomorrow.. AMBs have been of great use in promoting geological interest. Finding them resulted in a banner headline and picture in our local paper…it must have been a slow news day back in the 1970’s…..Cheers, Richard


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