Friday fold: new folds from the Empire Formation, Glacier National Park

Hiking Siyeh Pass in Glacier in Glacier National Park on Tuesday with my Montana State University field course, we spotted a few new folds in the Empire Formation (a transitional unit between Helena Formation and Grinnell Formation).

Here is one of the students serving as a sense of scale, with interesting features on either side of him:

On the left, there are small scale folds in a regular little train:

Note the cleavage in the central shaly unit in this part of the outcrop – it is subvertical on the left (west), but then leans over to dip to the west on the right (east):

Here’s another site, a little bit further down the trail, showing another example of small-scale folding:

Happy Friday to all! We’ll be spending our day driving back to Bozeman after a successful field course.



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