Friday folds: Rifugio Fontana in the Dolomites

Another guest contribution for the Friday fold. Today, my friend Maitland Sharpe chips in with this mountainside he saw in Italy, specifically the

Dolomites, near Rifugio Fontana, Longarone

…And here is the same image, annotated in red to show the trace of bedding:

The strata here appear to be carbonates. I’d have guessed limestone, but given the fact that this is the Dolomites, I guess the chances are good that they are dolostone layers instead. The folding style is somewhere on the spectrum between kink banding and chevrons. It’s loooooooovely!

Two close-ups follow, one annotated:

I’m not even going to attempt tracing out bedding in that last one – I fear it may drive me insane!

Thanks for sharing, Maitland!
Readers, please know that I value your contributions to the Friday fold series – I love seeing the folds you see on your travels.

A happy Friday to all!

0 thoughts on “Friday folds: Rifugio Fontana in the Dolomites”

  1. Hi Callan:

    I’m a retired geologist (with a love for structural after working for industry in the Wyo/Utah Overthrust!) and am in the process of setting up some geology hikes for the public here in one of our California state parks. I know from doing this in the past that having annotated photos of outcrops really helps folks to visual what they are seeing. I noticed that some of your photos are annotated and wondered how you do that? Is it with a program or by hand on a hard copy of the photo that then gets scanned in? Any suggestions would be appreciated and keep up the good work!

    Jim Sickles


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