Friday fold: Refolded marble from Corsica

Happy Friday, Mountain Beltway readers!

Here is a guest Friday fold to ease you into the weekend:

It comes to us from Corsica via Darrel Cowan of the University of Washington.

Darrel reports:

I was in a workshop and field trips on Corsica–CourseAlp 2011–and made this photo on the coastal road near Erbalunga on Cap Corse. I present it as a refolded fold in Mesozoic marble of the Schistes LustrĂ©s.

Do you see the twice-folded central layering? Here, I’ll highlight it in lurid shades of green and pink, and trace out the axial surface of the first-generation fold (F1) and the second generation fold that overprints it (F2):

Super cool: what lucky rocks, to have enjoyed folding twice!

Have a good weekend, all.

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