Friday folds: more deformation from Cinque Terre, Italy

A return to coastal Italy on this wintry Friday… You’ll recall that The Other Callan shared some fold imagery with us a few weeks back as he explored the Cinque Terre region of Italy.

He is back in the States now, and has been kind enough to share his geology-themed photos with me, so I can share them with you. Take a gander:

Several people more familiar with these rocks than me used the comments on the previous post to identify these rocks. Darrel Cowan specifically nailed them as belonging to ‘the Macigno,’

the earliest of the three foredeeps that record the eastward advance of the Ligurian nappe. Age: about Oligocene to early Miocene. Erik is correct: I’ve seen excellent olistostromal melange on the Via dell’amore near Riomaggiore.

We have seen other folds in the Macigno here before, thanks to Alan Pitts and Samuele Papeschi. It’s starting to become a regular theme – and I think we can all agree that’s a very good thing!!

Thanks to all for sharing – both photos and knowledge. Happy Friday.

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