Friday fold: lithified python

A quick Friday fold that I observed last month in a boulder of riprap at Chippokes State Park in Surry, Virginia. I have absolutely no idea where this rock was quarried; but it doesn’t look like anything I’m familiar with in Virginia, so maybe the Baltimore Mafic Complex???

Anyhow, it’s not native to the Coastal Plain, but it shows a pleasing fold train of green and gray amid the black of the surrounding rock. I’m reminded of a python’s muscly meanders.

Folded epidote layer in a boulder of ripr

Field of view is about 1 meter. Sorry to have neglected a sense of scale; mea culpa.

Happy Friday!

0 thoughts on “Friday fold: lithified python”

  1. This looks like rock from the diabase sills in the extensional basins in central North Carolina. These basins exist under the coastal plain sediments throughout VA, so perhaps there is a quarry in or close to Surry VA.


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