8 thoughts on “Four new videos about east coast geology”

  1. For some reason, I am not getting any sound on these, and the closed captioning isn’t very accurate. What am I doing wrong?

    • Hi Carl,
      The closed captioning is generated automatically by YouTube. As for no sound, I’d check your system to verify you don’t have your volume turned down or have your YouTube tab muted.

  2. Thanks for the Sidling Hill presentation. I’ve looked at that amazing roadcut many times and now you’ve made sense of it for me!

  3. These videos are EXCELLENT thank you!… I am a late-in-life informal geology student and these are the sort of virtual field trips that really bring many concepts together for me. I sincerely appreciate your efforts in making and sharing such instructional videos. Marg

  4. Thanks,
    I find it amazing people have the patience to work out what happened prior to Pangaea !
    I’m always imagining the information that’s buried just below the soil and vegetation on a hillside !

  5. Enjoyed your Sideling Hill tour! I hope the new fencing installation (for falling rocks) doesn’t prevent future access!


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