GigaPan suite from the South Page Valley Martinsburg Outcrop

Are you into structure? Sedimentology? Stratigraphy? Well, I’ve got some good news for you – I’ve imaged several key outcrops on the newly-discovered (to me) roadcut on South Page Valley Road, showcasing the middle Martinsburg Formation turbidites (and their Alleghanian structural overprint).

[gigapan id=”126510″] link

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[gigapan id=”126509″] link

[gigapan id=”126483″] link

[gigapan id=”126482″] link

[gigapan id=”126475″] link

See if you can find:

  • an anticline
  • a syncline
  • a fault
  • a trace fossil
  • a tool mark
  • a graded bed
  • cleavage refraction
  • plumose structure

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