2013 Yard List

Here’s our birding yard list (species seen in/from our yard) for the past year. You can compare it with 2012’s list here.

  1. Canada geese
  2. Goldfinch
  3. Tufted titmouse
  4. Dark-eyed junco
  5. Mourning dove
  6. Black-capped chickadee
  7. White-breasted nuthatch
  8. Downy woodpecker
  9. Hairy woodpecker
  10. Blue jay
  11. Brown creeper
  12. American crow
  13. Red-bellied woodpecker
  14. Pileated woodpecker
  15. Red-shouldered hawk
  16. Carolina wren
  17. Turkey vulture
  18. Eastern phoebe
  19. Turkey
  20. Purple finch
  21. Red-tailed hawk
  22. Northern flicker
  23. Barred owl
  24. American robin
  25. Eastern bluebird
  26. Song sparrow
  27. Brown-headed cowbird
  28. Yellow-rumped warbler
  29. Eastern towhee
  30. Whippoorwill
  31. Chipping sparrow
  32. Broad-winged hawk
  33. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
  34. Cardinal
  35. Black vulture
  36. Red-breasted nuthatch
  37. Rose-breasted grosbeak
  38. Ruby-throated hummingbird
  39. Red-eyed vireo
  40. Scarlet tanager
  41. Yellow-billed cuckoo
  42. Cedar waxwing
  43. Chimney swift
  44. Eastern kingbird
  45. Ovenbird
  46. Raven
  47. Screech owl
  48. Yellow-bellied sapsucker
  49. Black-throated green warbler
  50. Winter wren
  51. Sharp-shinned hawk

More this year than last – here’s hoping for a similar increase in 2014!

Species we saw in 2012 that we missed in 2013:

  1. Great blue heron
  2. Indigo bunting
  3. Great crested flycatcher
  4. Louisiana warbler
  5. Veery
  6. Golden-crowned kinglet

0 thoughts on “2013 Yard List”

  1. Looks to be very similar to the list from my farm in Indiana with a few difference. No barred owl, but great-horned owl, only hear the screech owls – they give me the willies. No hairys or sapsuckers, only downy woodpeckers and the others. Hawks are generally red-tailed, but sometimes a Cooper’s hawk picks a bird off the feeder. Every 3 year or so a bald eagle. You must like the little chipping sparrow as much as I do, you have it listed twice. King birds are our main fly catchers. Also get nightjars. And if I go down to the creeks I can see kingfishers.


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