Exploring Mahantango Zoophycos traces in GigaPan

Recently, I posted about an excellent road cut in Fort Valley showing well-developed 10 cm+ Zoophycos trace fossils.

Presented here are three new GigaPan images (two outcrop; one macro) of Zoophycos from the Devonian-aged Mahantango Formation:

[gigapan id=”170978″] link

[gigapan id=”170977″] link

[gigapan id=”170875″] link

These images are part of a new “virtual field trip” that I organized to supplement my historical geology field trip to examine the geologic history of the Massanutten Synclinorium. The link there will take you to a webpage with dozens of embedded GigaPans of the region (including one annotated comparative view), showing outcrops and hand samples that tell the tale of this region through sedimentary layers recording the Cambrian through Devonian (including the waxing and waning of early-stage Appalachian mountain building recorded as clastic input), as well as deformation associated with late Paleozoic mountain-building.

0 thoughts on “Exploring Mahantango <i>Zoophycos</i> traces in GigaPan”

  1. Thanks for putting up the post on zoophycus. I was out rockhounding in Estill county Ky and found a nice specimen about 6″ in diameter. Thanks again, Jerry


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