Six new GIGAmacro images of sedimentary rocks

Here are some new “virtual samples” for you to check out:

Dessication cracks in Tonoloway Formation (Silurian):
[gigapan id=”183042″] Link Image by Callan Bentley

Random conglomerate (unknown age and formation):
[gigapan id=”183322″] Link Image by Robin Rohrback

Skolithos trace fossils (tops) in Hampshire Formation (Devonian):
[gigapan id=”183132″] Link Image by Callan Bentley

Crinoid calyx fossil (unknown age and formation):
[gigapan id=”183066″] Link Image by Callan Bentley

Iron oxide staining in Tuscarora Formation quartzite (Silurian):
[gigapan id=”183127″] Link Image by Callan Bentley

Quartz pebble meta-conglomerate in Tuscarora Formation quartzite (Silurian):
[gigapan id=”183053″] Link Image by Callan Bentley

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