0 thoughts on “Friday fold: Catalina Island #2”

  1. The rocks in the core resemble mixed rock types we see in other Jurassic-Cretaceous units in S. Alaska and the San Juan Islands in Washington. I infer the green bodies are basalt or basaltic tuffs. How were they mixed with the sandstone and mudstone?

  2. Wow. Fascinating photo. This is what I see, right or wrong:

    1. To the left, the orange and white rocks almost appear to be a potassium feldspar rich melt. It could also be limonite stained quartzite with calcium carbonate cementing. Or someone spilled a vat of orange sherbet and vanilla ice cream, but that’s a low probability event. It would explain what the two on the right are eating though.
    2. The light gray rock looks like a volcanic tuff.
    3. The black & white rock looks like a mafic, folded intrusion, possibly a diabase. Or a bit of seafloor maybe?
    4. The medium gray and white rock looks like a migmatite or a gneiss but is clearly grading out of the darker rock.

    The whole scene looks igneous in origin, possibly a piece of a volcanic arc related to the Farallon subduction zone. It might even be a bit of an accretionary wedge. Lots of possibilities here.


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