Friday fold: 3D syncline in Macigno Formation

Alan Pitts is the source of today’s fold, a beautiful 3D model of a differentially-weathered sycline in the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene deep water Macigno Formation from western Tuscany, Italy. Here’s a photo:


Now for the 3D model, hosted by Sketchfab; After it loads, use your mouse to grab this thing and finesse it around.

What an outcrop! What a great 3D model! Thanks for sharing this, Alan!

0 thoughts on “Friday fold: 3D syncline in Macigno Formation”

  1. Be great to have a bit more info on how this model was created. Structure from Motion? Or laser scan with a photo drape?

    • Hi Doug –
      I didn’t make it; Alan Pitts did. We use a process called photogrammetry, which relies only on a series of photos as inputs. No ‘ground control points’ are needed. I’m guessing Alan used about 30 photos.


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