The quarry in Contessa Gorge

After visiting Bottaccione Gorge and reuniting with the K/Pg boundary, my summer geologizing with Alan Pitts took me next to Contessa Gorge, where we saw this lovely wall of stratigraphy and structure exposed in a quarry’s cut:

Let’s zoom in a bit and see what there is to be seen:

Here it is annotated:

“Maiolica,” “Marne A Fucoidi,” and “Scaglia Bianca” are all names of different stratigraphic units, different formations in the central Apennine stratigraphic sequence. The Marne A Fucoidi is a beautiful mix of deep green and maroon. It’s alternating shale-dominated layers and calcareous-dominated layers.

The units above and below tend toward white (“bianca” in Italiano) but the upper unit, the Scaglia Bianca, has a distinctive anoxic layer within it, the Bonarelli Level, that helps distinguish it from the lower unit, the Maiolica. (Sorry, I didn’t take a photo of it.)

All this stratigraphy is well and good — but I was here for the structure!

…And annotated:

“MTD” here stands for “mass transport deposit” – a set of sedimentary layers that slumped downward and crumpled up deeper into the basin when the sediment was still soft (prior to lithification). Alan and I have enjoyed puzzling over another MTD in West Virginia‘s westernmost Valley & Ridge province. Here in Italy, the pelagic limestones seem to have cohered a bit better in layers, while the West Virginia example saw total disaggregation of the sandstone layers into segments that folded up on themselves, wrapped up in a matrix of squishy mud. The Italian example is much better behaved:

This is interpreted as syndepositional faulting and deformation. It’s not thought to be directly tectonically induced.

The quarry was a treat to see. I love outcrops like this – beautiful, with some structure and some stratigraphy, and something to compare to other places.


0 thoughts on “The quarry in Contessa Gorge”

  1. I’m not sure where the term ‘la contessa” originated, but this bed is famous in the Apennines marnoso arenacea unit: a “megabed” that can be seen and traced for ca. 120 km.

  2. Nice review of the Lower Cretaceous outcrop in my backyard 😉
    I suggest to read: Menichetti M. (2016). Early Cretaceous tectonic event in the Adria: Insight from Umbria-Marche pelagic basin (Italy). GSA Sp.Paper 524 vol. 524, p. 35-55, ISBN: 978-0-8137-2524-6, doi: 10.1130/2016.2524(04), where details and an interpretation of the outcrop are reported.
    The term “Valle della Contessa” (Countess Valley) is an historical name belongs with a local legend about a Countess was traveling the valley. Few historians related the Countess with Battista Sforza, Federico da Montefeltro wife of XV Century.
    The “Contessa Layer” is a turbiditic Langhian (Miocene) megabed outcrops in the upper part of the valley and described by Ricci Lucchi & Pialli, 1973.


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