Emriver in action

Today, a few photos of my spring Environmental Geology class doing a New Orleans Case Study lab using our lovely Emriver river process simulator:





That’s it. I mainly shot these photos for Steve Gough, as NOVA is participating in the new grant he submitted to NSF, but I figured I would share them here, too. The students gave permission for the use of their images. I’ll blog up the Emriver itself someday: a fun toy indeed!

0 thoughts on “Emriver in action”

  1. Hey Callan – I have been toying with the idea of writing a grant to get an Emriver model…do you leave yours up all the time, or do you pack it away. How easy is it to do that — I am not sure where I would have the space to leave it up.

    I was excited to see your model at work. I just need to convince my department that it would work


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