Friday fold: syncline in Helderberg Group limestones

I went on a day of field work last week to Corridor H, West Virginia, to help make drone-based photogrammetric 3D models of the huge outcrops there. One site we stopped at is this beautiful V-shaped syncline in Devonian-aged Helderberg Group limestones.

Click to enlarge

Here are two layers traced out:

Here is a GigaPan that Alan Pitts shot of this outcrop several years ago, when it was a bit fresher, and in a different season, to boot. You’ll note some significant differences in comparing the two views!

[gigamacro id=t3FaEHdckY0sTSCP width=100%v height=450]

Happy Friday to you. Today marks one week of residence at my new house in the hills north of Charlottesville; we’re finally starting to feel settled in. I hope you are well.

1 thought on “Friday fold: syncline in Helderberg Group limestones”

  1. Hi Callan, I think of you when traveling on Corridor H and admiring the roadcuts along the way. Once in a awhile I’ll see a gathering of rockhounders on the side of the road wondering if that is you leading a field trip. I have stopped in several places on my way to Moorefield, WV. My favorite spot is mile marker 117 where I found large slabs of wavy rock on a steep incline. (similar to the ocean beach). Off of Pinnacle Drive is a shale pit with trilobites. Thank you for diagramming the roadcut on your post. Can you tell me where this site is? Mile marker?
    Enjoy your new digs!


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