Book review video 2

Books mentioned:

Bones, Rocks, and Stars: the Science of When Things Happened, by Chris Turney

Northwest Exposures: a Geologic Story of the Northwest, by David Alt & Donald Hyndman

Geology Underfoot in Death Valley and Owens Valley, by Robert Sharp & Allen Glazner

Stories in Stone: Travels Through Urban Geology, by David B. Williams

0 thoughts on “Book review video 2”

  1. Glad you enjoyed Dyk’s volume! I’m working under him on my undergrad thesis, doing a project on Mesozoic extension in the Great Gulf (just north of Mt. Washington). His bedrock geologic map is awesome! I wish I had it blown up to full poster size. I hope that for the next printing, basalt dikes that I and last year’s thesis students had documented make it onto the map – for the upcoming Pittsburgh GSA conference, I’ll be presenting some of this and Dyk will present a poster on the findings from the past two field seasons with special attention to dikes.


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