Two erratics from coastal Maine

Happy Saturday! Here are two erratics (glacially transported boulders) that I saw last week in coastal Maine. This one shows prominent subparallel striations:

And this one, in the town of Penobscot, next to the greasy spoon called Bagaduce Lunch, shows aligned feldspars that suggest magmatic flow:

Nothing like a good erratic to get the weekend started off right!

0 thoughts on “Two erratics from coastal Maine”

  1. Love the erratics. We has many erratics on our property. I am from Lincoln, Maine. Our biggest is over 20 feet tall. Wonderful piece of history. If you’re ever in the area, we would love to show you our pride and joy. We believe ours came from Mt. Katahdin basin.

  2. Hi Callan,
    I believe the second erratic is an example of the Lucerne Granite, a distinctive seriate two-feldspar intrusive that is fairly widespread in this area of coastal Maine. PS: Don’t tell anyone about the Bagaduce Lunch – it’s a secret.

    The Esker Guy


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